Wellfleet Public Library
Naomi Feigelson Chase won the 2003 Flume Press Poetry Chapbook Award for The One Blue Thread. She has published other poetry books, including Gittel, the Would-Be Messiah (Turning Point); Listening for Water (Archival Press); and Waiting for the Messiah in Somerville, MA (Garden Street Press); and two other poetry chapbooks, The Judge's Daughter and Stacked. Her nonfiction books include A Child Is Being Beaten: Child Abuse in America (Holt, Rinehart & Winston), and The Underground Revolution, Hippies, Yippies and Others (Funk and Wagnalls). Her fiction has been published in many magazines, and anthologized by Milkweed Editions and New Rivers Press.
Eileen Ivey Sirota is a psychotherapist, poet, and potter. Her poems have appeared in Calyx, District Lines, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, New VerseNews, Ekphrastic Review, Lighten Up Online and elsewhere. Her first chapbook, Out of Order, was published by Finishing Line Press. Having been raised in a family of political junkies and activists in the Washington DC area, political and cultural issues infuse her poetry. She lives in Bethesda, Maryland where she alternates between sputtering outrage and gob smacked wonder. Her new chapbook Watching from the Bleachers unites these two tendencies.