VR's 37th Annual Cross-Country Golf Tournament
Monday, October 28th at Chequessett Yacht & Country Club
9AM Shotgun Start Two-Person Teams
$150 Per Golfer / $175 after October 15 (CYCC Members - receive $25 off registration)
Includes: Golf, Cart, Lunch on the course and Logo gift apparel.
Golf is followed by appetizers, dinner & awards at Van Rennselaer's.
Ultimate championship determined by Peter's renowned "Putt-Off"!
******A good time will be had by all******
All proceeds will be donated to: Cape & Islands Veterans Outreach Center
"Supporting homeless and at-risk veterans throughout Cape Cod"
To register and/or sponsor go to: www.Birdease.com/CapeVeterans
For information contact Peter Hall at VR's (508-349-2127)
(Everyone is welcome! If you do not have a partner, Peter has one for you!!)
Interested in Sponsoring?
Cart Sponsorships: $300 ~ Hole Sponsorships: $150