Wellfleet Preservation Hall
“The Playground" is a critically acclaimed one-woman show written and directed by Jim Dalglish and starring Anna Botsford. Receiving its world premiere this summer at Cotuit Center for the Arts, It's been described by the Cape Cod Times as "the most intense 100 minutes of your life… Botsford is one of the most incredible actors I have ever seen and I found myself in awe of her… It is a must watch.”
The play follows the life of a former college professor named Joan - a mother of a four-year-old boy who has moved to New York to follow her mathematician husband after he takes a job at a hedge fund. The story is told from her perspective as she remembers her life in New York, her brushes with a life of wealth and privilege, and the decision she makes that will forever alter the course of her life and the lives of those around her.